Rendering English meters in translation

One of the basic constituents of poetic rhyme is a certain metrical system, typical of this or that country: thus the recurrence of particular segments with an equal number of stresses comprises a tonic verse; the recurrence of particular segments with an equal number of syllables comprises a syllabic verse, the separation of a foot as a minimum unit of rhythm is characteristic of accentual-syllabic versification.
Metre is a regular alternation of identical rhythmical elements of the text-in the accentual syllabic versification meter is a regular alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables.
Disyllabic feet-
UU pyrrhic
--  spondee
U- iambic
-U trochaic
trisyllabic feet-
-UU dactylic
UU- anapestic
U-U amphibrach
All the other feet don’t rely upon regular meter, it usually relies on repetition, it relies on its melody upon alliteration but good poets don’t use all these meters as one unchanging pattern.
They usually change the patters, these combinations make melody more vivid.