Differences in packaging of meaning components
A concept, considered as distinct from the word by which it is conveyed, is a recognizable unit of meaning. It may be broken down into meaning components and as such is a bundle of meaning components.
Larson quotes Barnwell:
"In a given language, the concept unit usually, but by no means always, is represented by a word; it may also be represented by a morpheme, or by an idiomatic expression, or by tone, or by word order. Concepts are identified in a given language on the principle of contrast and comparison within the system of that language" (1980, 141). 
Although all languages have concepts, they do not have the same concepts. Each language conceptualizes in a different manner, packaging the phenomena of reality together in different ways and then reinforcing such distinctions by naming them. 
Larson's examples include:
•(a) Existence of a single Vietnamese word to mean: "someone leaves to go somewhere and something happens at home so that he has to go back home". Conversely a "projector" may have to be named in some languages as: "the thing that shows pictures on the wall".
•(b) Plurality is often conveyed by the use of a suffix on nouns or verbs or both. In Aguarana different verb stems are used for singular and plural action.
•(c) The same meaning component may occur in several surface structure lexical items of the English word "sheep", whose meaning is also included in different ways in the words "lamb", "ram" and "ewe" combined with other meanings. In Huambisa (Peru), these would be translated by the word groups "sheep its child", "sheep big", and "sheep its woman".
Each language has its own system for arranging concepts into different parts of speech making it risky to seek one-to-one equivalents. One language may use the verb form more frequently, where another will seek to express the same meanings by means of a verbal noun or an adjective. Such skewing between the grammar and semantic structure is a device which counteracts monotony in the presentation of information. Such devices are a part of the style but will not accomplish the intended purpose if translated into a second language. In order to restate the information in a second language it may be necessary to unpack the concepts and then repackage them in a manner appropriate to the concept scheme of that language.