Translation and the peculiarities of the communicative situation. Translation may be viewed as an interlingual communicative act in which at least 3 participants are involved: the sender (the author of the SL message), the translator  (intermediary) who acts in dual capacity – as the receptor of the SL message and as the sender of the equivalent TL message), and the recipient of the TL message (translation). If the original was not intended for a foreign-language recipient, there is one more participant: the SL recipient for whom the message was originally produced. Translation as such consists in producing a text (message) in the TL, equivalent to the original text (message) in the SL. Translation as an interlingual communicative act includes two phrases: communication btw the sender and the translator and communication between the translator and the recipient of the newly produced TL text. In the first phase the translator, acting as a SL recipient, analyses the original msg, extracting the information contained in it. In the second stage, the translator acts as a TL sender, producing an equivalent message in the TL and re-directing it to the TL recipient. In producing the TL text the translator changes its plan of expression (linguistic form) while its plan of content (meaning) should remain unchanged. In fact, an equivalent (TL) message should match the original in the plane of content. The msg, produced by the translator, should evoke practically the same response in the TL recipient as the original message in the SL recipient. That means, above all, that whatever the text says and whatever it implies should be understood in the same way by both the SL user for whom it was originally intended and by the TL user. It is therefore the translator’s duty to make available to the TL recipient the maximum amount of information, carried by linguistic signs, including both their denotational (referential) meanings (i.e. information about the extra linguistic reality which they denote) and their emotive-stylistic connotations. Communicative situation (таблица) presupposes (1) factors of communicative competence and (2) additional factors influencing communication. (1) can be: a) universal human factors (time and space); b) linguistically conditioned factors (cultural background). (2) can be: a) specific human factors (age, gender); b) socially conditioned factors; c) individual human factors.